Submit an Application

Following receipt of this form we will process the information and send confirmation. If we require any further information we will contact you. This application form is only to be completed if we have provided you with a Fee Quotation and Terms of Engagement letter.

1. Project Address

2. Client Details (the person for whom the project will be carried out eg land or building owner, leaseholder)

Client Address (if different from Project Address)

3. Principal Designer (or sole or lead designer) (where involved)

Designer/Architect Address

Principal Contractor (or sole contractor) Details (where involved)

Contractor Address

Other Contact/Agent (not a dutyholder)

Other Contact/Agent Address

Dutyholders Declaration

I confirm the above Dutyholders are aware of their responsibilities under Part 2A of the Building Regulations 2010 and the need to promptly sign the compliance declarations at the end of the project to enable the Final Certificate to be issued within statutory timeframes.

4. Who would you like us to send our follow up correspondence to?

5. Region

6. Property and Description of building works to be carried out

Please complete on all projects except for domestic houses:

7. Estimated Commenced Date

The date when it is proposed the works will reach the point when it is to be regarded as ‘commenced’.

(This is not the same as the start of works on site, it is the date of completion of initial stage, refer to our guidance information on our documents page) where unknown, provide closest estimate.

8. New Dwelling?

9. Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings and flats with shared access only - Details of the responsible person for fire safety information.
Estimated cost of works
Responsible Person Details
Responsible Person Address

10. Payment Details

Payment is to be processed upon application
Yes    No
Please mark Payor
Client Designer/Architect Contractor Other

11. Project Files

Please provide us with as much information as possible.
e.g. Existing and Proposed floor plans/elevations, Structural Calculations, Site location/block plan

12. Data Protection (Consent to process personal data (GDPR))

13. Authorisation of Service